‘Music Sounds Better With You’ project

22 June 2021

Over the course of the month, Sharp Futures, Manchester will send a professional Hip Hop Artist into Mahdlo to create original Hip Hop / Grime music with 15 young people from Mahdlo and across the community for the cost of no more than £1 per session.

That’s £12 maximum for the chance to experience creating, recording, promoting and releasing a music track and gaining invaluable experience and industry knowledge with professional / signed artists.

The sessions are open to young people aged 13-19 (25yrs with Abilities)

Owing to Covid restrictions surrounding the delivery of performing arts and live singing / recording of music in particular, we can only allow 15 young people onto this project, which will be run between our Music Room and Performance Space.

The Booking Process:

Priority will be given to young people within the wider community who haven’t had the opportunity to experience MAHDLO / THE SPACE yet and are interested in becoming members to participate in the project at 50p – £1 a session. Membership will, of course, be required, but, again, at a cost of no more than £1 per session or £5 for a year’s membership.

Young people who are interested in joining will be encouraged to contact myself to book on, at which point I will add them to a booking list. I will then pass the list onto reception, who will help follow up any membership queries. My hope is that we will be able to get everyone who is interested signed up as members before the first session so they can be put onto the system.

The project will be ‘invite only’ in the first instance. If places are not filled up to 14 days before the start date, we’ll open it up to online booking and push in session to existing members.

Please email my Outlook account Lois.Entwistle@mahdloyz.org if you have any questions.


Apply for a place Click Here
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