Food Drive 2020 and other Academy SMSC updates…

20 November 2020

Food Drive 2020 and other Academy SMSC updates…

Many thanks to those who donated as part of our non-uniform day for Children in Need. We managed to raise an amazing £495 which will help support young people in the UK. Our next academy event will be on Friday 11th December where we will pull out our Christmas jumpers in aid of Save the Children – more details to follow.


Our Academy has been taking part in Anti-Bullying week this week with all students participating in assemblies and SMSC work in tutor sessions. Our new reporting system has also been relayed to students making it easier for students to have the confidence to report any bullying concerns they have. This Friday on the 20th November we are coming together as an academy to show we are united against bullying by taking part in the Anti-Bullying Alliance ‘Odd Sock Day’.

All students and staff will come into school in odd socks to make a stand against bullying both in and outside of our academy.


This week has also seen the launch of our annual hamper appeal. This year we aim to collect food to create hampers for our local elderly residents and for those families in need of extra support in what has been a tough and challenging year. We are asking students and staff to donate food items over a three-week period with each year group having a different item each week and a set day to bring items into school. We appreciate that not all families will be in a position to help this year but any donations you can make, no matter how small would be amazing.

The picture below details when donations can be brought into the academy with details on our website and twitter.


If any families in our academy would benefit from receiving one of our food hampers this Christmas then please contact me in confidence either by email or phone. 


Mrs Sarah Bloor

Faculty Lead for Citizenship

food hamper poster

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