Our ethos and values

Our Academy Ethos & Values

Academy Mission Statement


‘Together we will provide an inspirational and inclusive teaching and learning environment with outstanding teaching and learning. We will foster a love of learning, a culture of high aspiration and achievement. Through this equality of opportunity we will unlock the potential in all our children, equipping them for an exciting and successful future’

“Opening minds, Opening doors”

  • We are an Academy where together we insist on honesty have high aspirations, expectations and excellence from all.
  • We are child centred, fully inclusive and at the heart of everything we do we ensure that no child is left behind.
  • We aim to provide every opportunity needed to develop every individual to their full potential by thinking big.
  • We will ensure that we develop our student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding by teaching them how to always do the right thing.
  • We actively promote the fundamental British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
  • We speak and act with Honesty and Respect for all where our children are nurtured and encouraged to interact with others, displaying all of these fundamental qualities to ensure our children are well rounded young citizens.

Academy Core Values







Together we:

  • Take responsibility for our actions.
  • Are loyal and show commitments to each other (display teamwork).
  • Show respect in all that we do.
  • Are fair, sincere and tolerant of all stakeholders.
  • Celebrate Equality and Diversity and positive Cultural Capital.
  • Value the views and opinions of others.
  • Are trustworthy and responsible citizens and adhere to Academy standards at all times.
  • Have a common moral compass and create a positive school community.


Together we:

  • Model excellence and take personal pride in all that we do.
  • Show commitment and are resilient.
  • Are proud to represent, be role models for the Academy.
  • Insist on having a positive attitude towards out Academy.
  • Have the will to win, desire to succeed.
  • Celebrate our success.
  • Motivate, support and challenge each other (work as a team).
  • Insist on only the highest of standards of work, effort and commitment.


Together we:

  • Have the desire to reflect and take every opportunity to learn.
  • Show resilience, determination to succeed.
  • Aim high with a drive to achieve.
  • Are stronger and achieve our goals.
  • All have a vision for our future
  • Embrace barriers/challenges as an opportunity for growth.
  • Can achieve a be the best we can be, make a difference.

Team Spirit      Do the right thing      Think Big

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