Royton and Crompton E-ACT Academy Equality Objectives 2023-2026


The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish information that demonstrates we have due regard for the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.


Royton and Crompton E-ACT Academy is an all-inclusive school, where we focus on the well- being and progress of every student and where all members of our community are of equal worth. We believe that the Equality Act provides a framework to support our commitments to:

  • Provide an environment which values and includes all student, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their educational, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.
  • Challenge attitudes about disability and accessibility and to developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion.
  • Ensure equality of opportunity in line with the Equality Act 2010.

Our approach to equality is based on the following key principles:

  • All learners are of equal value.
  • We recognise and respect difference.
  • We foster positive attitudes and relationships and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging.
  • We aim to reduce inequalities and barriers that already exist.
  • We have the highest expectations of our students and ensure that all are exposed to and taught about all protected characteristics through our curriculum.

(Protected Characteristics include: Religion or belief, race – colour, ethnicity or national origin, gender or gender identity, sex or sexuality, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, disability, age.)


Where it is practicable to make reasonable adjustments to enable a prospective student to take up a place at Royton and Crompton E-ACT Academy and to satisfy the current admissions criteria, the Academy is committed to providing those reasonable adjustments. In order to do this, the Academy will ask for the student to disclose whether they have received any learning support, have had an educational psychologist report or have any disability or other condition of which the Academy should be aware. Where a potential Student has an Education Health Care Plan, the Academy will work with the Local Authority to ensure that the identified provision is delivered in an appropriate manner. The Academy will be sensitive to any issues of confidentiality.

Royton and Crompton E-ACT Academy will not tolerate direct or in-direct discrimination, harassment or victimisation.

As an Academy, we have an accessible site and building with the following:

  • Outside sports and grounds facilities that are fully accessible to all.
  • Accessible toilets in each teaching space.
  • Emergency evacuation system in place with the use of EVAC chairs.
  • Non-visual guides on signage around the Academy.
  • Clearly marked disabled parking bays in both the main car park and the visitors car park.

To increase the extent to which all disabled students can participate in the Academy curriculum, we have:

  • Provided a number of ‘bases’ and ‘safe spaces’ to use for lessons, interventions and during social times.
  • Provided all staff with a bespoke ‘one-page-profile’ of students needs and disabilities.
  • Detailed and bespoke access arrangements to allow students to access internal and external examinations and assessments without prejudice.
  • Ongoing collation of transition information in relation to students need and disability about prospective Y7 students and mid-term admissions prior to starting dates.


The objectives below are our priorities for the next 4 years. We will regularly review the progress we are making to meet these objectives.

Objective ActionResponsibility
To actively promote non-stereotyping information on protected characteristics. Ensure we provide a secure environment in which all students can flourish, achieve and belong. Ensure the academy is gender neutral and home/school communication does not assume one type of family set up. We will make sure that all protected characteristics are represented and promoted positively throughout the academy and through the curriculum. Assemblies, Aspire2be sessions, newsletters, careers events and our school Calendar will include events that celebrate equality and diversity. Headteacher, Senior Leadership, Middle Leadership, Teaching and Administration Teams.
To actively challenge discriminatory behaviours within our organisation. Ensure that all staff have received training on the Equality Act of 2010. All students are to be educated on the Equality Act 2010 as part of Life Skills and RSE Sessions. Ensure a culture is developed that ensures staff and students challenge, report and respond to discrimination and sexual harassment (through the pastoral structure and CPOMS). Ensure positive engagement with of external agencies. Headteacher, Senior Leadership, Middle Leadership, Teaching and Administration Teams.
To raise aspirations of all students, improve experiences available and provide opportunities regardless of their background. To ensure that we prepare students for life in a diverse, multi-cultural, and multi-faith society. Develop opportunities for all students to raise their aspirations including through extra-curricular activities, enrichment programmes, Passport, Padlets, educational visits, CEIAG programme, access to external speakers etc. We will seek to tackle and overcome barriers that prevent accessibility. This will include obtaining the views of students (especially those with SEND and who have an EHCP) to ensure that we are meeting their needs, and making any necessary adjustments required for them to access the curriculum. Headteacher and all staff

In 2018 we became an academy, there are no Equality Objectives prior to this. We are currently on target to meet the Equality & Accessibility Objective Action Plan below.

Equality & Accessibility Objective Action Plan






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