Worried about relationships?

Domestic abuse (also known as domestic violence) happens when one person hurts or bullies another person who is or was their partner, or who is in the same family.

It can happen between people who are:

  • Going out together
  • Living together or living separately
  • Have children together
  • Are married

Domestic abuse can also happen after a relationship has finished. Usually, but not always, it is the man who is the abuser and the woman who gets hurt.

What is domestic abuse video.

How can domestic abuse affect young people?

Although domestic abuse happens mostly between adults, young people can be affected by the abuse that they see and hear, and they can be hurt or bullied as part of domestic abuse between adults. Young people may also experience abuse from their own boyfriend or girlfriend.

Different types of domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is a repeated pattern of behaviour. It often includes several different types of abusive behaviour, and may get worse the longer the two people are together. People use domestic abuse to control other people.


  • Constantly putting a person down
  • Constantly checking where someone is
  • Stopping someone from seeing their friends or family
  • Stopping someone from having a job


  • Hitting, pushing, kicking, pinching
  • Throwing or smashing things
  • Making threats to hurt someone


  • Making someone do sexual things that they don’t want to do
  • Rape


  • Not giving them any money
  • Checking what someone spends money on
  • Stopping them from working
  • Taking all their money from them

Everyone has the right to be and feel safe

If someone in your family is abusive, remember it’s not your fault.

If it is happening in your family, remember that you are not alone. Domestic abuse happens in many families and there are people that can help you and your family.

What makes a healthy and unhealthy relationship?

Here we share some very useful links on what makes a healthy and unhealthy relationship.

Onelove – Couplets

BBC bitesize

You deserve this

You deserve love and respect

Here we have linked to a booklet about understanding what respect is and what it means to be in a healthy relationship. It also tells you what you can do if you’re not being treated right or if you are being abused.

Empower yourself with knowledge!

The Hide Out: Women’s Aid have created this space to help young people understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it’s happening to you.

#LOVERESPECT: be empowered to talk about what relationship abuse is and what is healthy and unhealthy in your relationships.

Childline: find out more about domestic abuse and how to cope if you are feeling unsafe.

How much do you know about domestic abuse?

Use these questions to see how much you really know about domestic abuse:

Check out these incredibly powerful videos about domestic abuse


No More


We are here to support you

If you are worried about domestic abuse or recognise any of what you have seen on these pages, please speak out – we are here to support you. You can contact the safeguarding team at your academy using the contact details on the academy website.

Below is a list of helpline numbers you can call to talk to someone about abuse that might be happening in your home. In an emergency, please dial 999 for immediate help.

Childline – 0800 1111
Free, 24-hour telephone helpline for children and young people anywhere in the UK. Trained counsellors offer comfort, support, advice and protection. Calls to Childline are confidential, and are free even from mobiles. www.childline.org.uk

National Domestic Violence helpline – 0808 2000 247
This free, 24-hour telephone helpline service provides support, information and a listening ear to women and children experiencing domestic abuse. They can also help women and children to find a place of safety within a women’s refuge. www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk

Samaritans – 116 123
Samaritans is available 24-hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. www.samaritans.org

Muslim Women’s Helpline – 020 8904 8193 or 020 8908 6715
The Muslim Women’s Helpline aims to provide any Muslim girl or woman in a crisis with a free, confidential listening service and referral to Islamic consultants, plus practical help and information where required. www.mwnhelpline.co.uk

ManKind Initiative – 01823 334244

A confidential helpline is available for male victims of domestic abuse and male victims of domestic violence across the UK. www.mankind.org.uk

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