Academy Day and Attendance

All students are expected to be on site at 8.25 at the latest in order to start the school day at 8.30. Lessons end at 3.00pm.  A typical week is 32.5 hours.


We expect all our students to strive for 100% attendance. Attending school on a regular basis is the key to your child doing well at school. It will set them up with good routines for later life and the working world, as well as helping them to:

  • Make lots of friends and feel included;
  • Learn new things and develop skills;
  • Increase confidence and self-esteem;
  • Improve social skills;
  • Achieve potential and fulfil aspirations.
  • 90% Attendance sounds good – HOWEVER!
  • 1 School year at 90% attendance = 4 weeks of lessons MISSED!
  • 5 School years at 90% attendance = ½ year of school MISSED!
  • 17 School days missed in a year = GCSE grade DROP in achievement. (DfE)



Please read the following factsheets:-

Fact sheet Fast Track

Penalty Notices for unauthorised absence from school doc


Pupil Attendance Policy

The attendance register is taken at the start of the first session of each academy day, in every session and once during the second session. Our academy target is 97%, but you should always aim for 100% as a target for attendance.

Royton and Crompton timings and examples of where late marks will be used:

  • AM registration = 8:30 – 8.50am (20 mins of Tutor and Personal Development).
  • Students are late (L code) from 8:30-8.50am.
  • Students are late (U code) from 8.50am and this means the late mark is recorded as an absence.
  • PM registration = 12.10pm (start of period 4)
  • Students are late (L code) from 12.10pm – 12.40pm
  • Students are late (U code) for their mark from 12.40pm and this means the late mark is recorded as an absence for the remainder of the session.

On each occasion the academy will record whether every student is:

1) Present;

2) Attending an approved educational activity;

3) Absent; or,

4) Unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances.

The Academy will follow up on any absences to:

  • Ascertain the reason;
  • Ensure the proper safeguarding action is taken;
  • Identify whether the absence is approved or not and;
  • Identify the correct code to use before entering it onto the academy’s electronic register, or management information system which is used to download data to the School Census.
  • Absences are either authorised or unauthorised.
  • Authorised absence is where the academy has either given approval in advance for a student to be out of the academy or has accepted an explanation offered afterward as satisfactory justification for absence.
  • An absence is classified as unauthorised when a student is away from the academy without their permission. Therefore, the absence is unauthorised if a student is away from school without good reason, even with the support of a parent.
  • Academy staff are legally in loco parentis and therefore must know where the students are during the academy day. Students are not allowed to leave the premises without prior permission from the academy.
  • Whenever possible, parents/carers should try and arrange medical and other appointments outside of the academy day.
  • Parents/carers are requested to confirm, by letter, email, or telephone call, the reason for any planned absence, the time of leaving, and the expected return time.
  • Students must be signed out on leaving the academy and be signed back in on their return at the student reception.
  • When a student is being collected from the academy, parents/carers are to report to the academy reception before the student can leave the site. If a student leaves the academy site without permission and we are aware of it, their parents/carers will be contacted.
  • With effect from September 2013 the government abolished the right of Headteachers to authorise absence specifically for holidays of up to 10 days per year if special circumstances existed.
  • The Headteacher is only allowed to grant a leave of absence for any reason if they are satisfied exceptional circumstances exist.
  • If the academy declines the request for term time leave, then a request may be made to the Local Authority to issue a Penalty Notice to each parent, for each child. This is a £60.00 fine per parent if paid within 21 days and £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.
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