Holocaust Memorial Day

8 February 2024

E-ACT Royton and Crompton Academy host commemorative event for Holocaust Memorial Day

E-ACT Royton and Crompton Academy recently held a commemorative event to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust encourages remembrance in a world scarred by genocide, they promote and support Holocaust Memorial Day  to remember the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of people murdered underNazi persecution of other groups and during more recent genocides.

The school welcomed The Mayor of Oldham Metropolitan Borough, Cllr Zahid Chauhan OBE, guest Speaker Leah Burman a member of the Northern Holocaust Education Group, Father Phil Sumner and representatives from Oldham Youth Council and Oldham Theatre Workshop along to the event.

During the event, students listened to a speech from the Mayor and were encouraged to reflect on those who lost their lives during the Holocaust and discuss how they can take action to make sure the future is a safer and brighter place.

The students also heard from the representatives of Oldham Youth Council and Oldham Theatre Workshop about their recent trip to the Auschwitz and Birkenau camps and from Leah Burnam, a second-generation Holocaust Survivor whose parents were born in Poland.  Her father survived three concentration camps and forced marches.

Andrea Atkinson, Headteacher said:

“Holocaust Memorial Day is such an important day, and it was only right that our students’ spent some time reflecting on it.  These are difficult issues, but I believe that young people need to learn about atrocities such as the Holocaust and I am grateful for everyone who came together at our commemorative event to share their thoughts and experiences.” 

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