‘Brave the Shave’ for ‘Bring Me Sunshine’

21 April 2020
‘I  have decided to do the ‘Brave the Shave’ for ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ a local charity on Sunday 26th April at 2pm. You can watch live from the Bring Me Sunshine Facebook page
You can also follow the charity on Twitter @stephanskelli . If everyone could possibly donate just £1, it would help to provide much entertainment and music therapy in our beloved care homes.https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/vicki-chapman?utm_term=pgjZ8XXDB&fbclid=IwAR2iXHf0cZDAZxRAQK6QBQe9hmQIlZV5HjfwjYRv9o7jsnvxwamfqwZuB1U

Bring Me Sunshine was set up to provide entertainment and music therapy for people with Dementia, Alzheimers and Parkisnons, living in care homes.
These conditions do not just steal our memories, they create confusion, sometimes hearing and sight impairment, combined with anxiety. Our performances and shows are fun and offer a great sensory experience and we strive to include everyone. Music truly is a magical gift. With each performance we see amazing transformations. Loved ones who now spend their days quiet and withdrawn due to these conditions, suddenly come alive and reminisce through the power of music. The joy this creates between families is amazing.We have grown to be so much more than a service. Our performances now enable families to come together in a safe environment to create wonderful new memories with loved ones who now find it very difficult in social situations. Where possible entertainment is currently being provided from outside the care homes (”through the window performances”) where residents are safely inside observing social distancing rules.
Thanks so much for your help and support.
Apply for a place Click Here
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