
At Royton and Crompton we offer excellent extra-curricular opportunities and activities outside the main curriculum.

These activities are an important and exciting feature of academy life and contribute enormously to our students’ social and academic development.

We believe that all of our students should experience success in as many aspects of academy life as possible. Extra-curricular opportunities present another avenue to success.

Each activity allows students to make full use of our state-of-the-art facilities, including Dance studio, 3G sports pitch and technology provision.

We also offer every student the opportunity to complete a bronze level Duke of Edinburgh award that allow students to learn vital skills such as navigating with a map and compass, cooking on a stove and being responsible for carrying and setting up their own camping equipment. It provides a memorable experience every year and is very popular amongst students.

On our Passport Days, students will actively engage in STEM activities. This could be through information sharing of careers, live talks from female engineers,  visits to local businesses, maths competitions and activities to highlight how science, technology and maths can lead to careers of various forms. 

Extra Curricular

Timetables for each year group are being updated

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