Students Lord it up!

15 December 2023

E-ACT Royton and Crompton Academy students Lord it up!

This month students in Years 9 and 7 at Royton and Crompton Academy were fortunate to take part in a question and answer session as part of #LordsLive.

#LordsLive is part of parliament’s outreach programme called Learn with the Lords Online.  It consists of a 45-minute online question and answer session where students can put their questions to a member of the House of Lords.  The session brings UK Parliament to life for young people and helps them develop their understanding of the role of the House of Lords.

The Royton and Crompton students got to quiz The Lord Storey CBE (Michael John Storey) who is the education spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords and the  Co-chair of the Committee on Education, Families and Young People.  He became a Lord in 2011 and is a retired primary school headteacher and former Lord Mayor of Liverpool.

Those attending asked him some great questions, such as:

  • How do you accommodate for the millions of people who live in the UK when everyone is so different?
  • How do you decide what to discuss at meetings?
  • Is being a Lord your dream job?
  • Can you talk us through the daily life of a Lord?

The event chimed perfectly with E-ACT’s Opening Minds Opening Doors strategy which focuses on having uncompromising aspirations for all young people.  The trust wants every child educated in an E-ACT school to succeed based on their merit not their background and providing students the opportunity to hear from a real life Lord showed them how far people can come.

Andrea Atkinson, Headteacher said:

“I want to say a big thank you to Lord Storey for this time.  It was fascinating to hear all about the life of a Lord and for our students to learn more about how Parliament operates from one of the people who makes the wheels turn!”

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