E-ACT Royton and Crompton students make pizza in Italy!

7 November 2023

Lucky Year 11 students at E-ACT Royton and Crompton Academy recently went on a five day tour of Italy as part of their Geography studies. 


The students spent several days discovering everything Italy has to offer after landing in Naples, taking in the sights of the famous south west coast and experiencing the delights of Italian food, culture, landmarks and its history. 


Their first day included travelling by hydrofoil to the island of Capri for the day, spending time seeing the sights, exploring the island and its beach, and trying authentic Italian pizza on the waterfront. This was followed later in the day by a walk through the town of Sorrento which led them to a sorbet and gelato making experience, where the students made and tried these famous Italian desserts. 

 On day two they explored the beautiful, famous coastline of Amalfi, passing through the impressive cliff-side town of Positano, later spending some time in the town of Amalfi, shopping and exploring the local area.  Students saw the stunning cathedral, coastline and then took a scenic walk along the seaside town of Maiori.  Later, students rolled up their sleeves for a fun pizza making workshop, learning the skills of how to make pizza dough – the winners got to make their pizzas with the chefs and everyone enjoyed a pizza of their choice, drink and dessert together later on for dinner. 

Their final full day saw the students travel to Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius – seeing the incredible volcano which once covered this famous Roman city.  They explored the ancient city of Pompeii, studied the ruins, local artefacts, statues and famous plaster casts.  Despite the rain, students were fascinated by the sights, and this was a real highlight of the trip. After lunch in a local pasta restaurant, they visited an incredibly well-preserved Roman villa – belonging to a famous Pompeiian. 

Andrea Atkinson, Headteacher said: 

“This was such a fabulous trip and I know the students thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was brilliant that they got to visit so many sites of historical importance and soak up a lot of culture.  At Royton & Crompton we really want to bring subjects alive for our students and this trip demonstrated how much young people can enjoy learning when you make it fun.” 

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