Annual Hamper Appeal

17 November 2022

Annual Hamper Appeal

This week has also seen the launch of our annual hamper appeal. This year we aim to collect food to create hampers for our local elderly residents and for those families in need of extra support in what has been another tough and challenging year. We are asking students and staff to donate food items over a three-week period with each year group having a different item each week. We appreciate that not all families will be in a position to help this year but any donations you can make, no matter how small would be amazing.

The picture below details when donations can be brought into the academy with details on our website and twitter.

If any families in our academy would benefit from receiving one of our food hampers this Christmas, then please contact me in confidence either by email or using the QR code. 

Mrs Sarah Bloor

Head of Life Skills

Click here to view the hamper appeal poster

Apply for a place Click Here
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